Lunaraine av Else's Legacy Norwegian Forest Cats and Kittens

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Working for the preservation of the Original Norwegian Forest Cat

Welcome to our website
The Norwegian Forest Cat, or more correctly the Norsk Skogkatt, evolved naturally in Norway. It is known as Norway's National Cat.
We are breeders of Norwegian Forest Kittens, based on the border of England and Scotland , UK
We own, exhibit & breed the Norwegian Forest Cat & Kittens under the auspices of the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy and the world renowned FIFe since 2003.
I am now in my 22nd year of preserving the Norwegian Forest Cat, having bred Pyrnean Mountain Dogs, shown and worked Labrador Retrievers and worked our Dairy farm prior to this. Maintaining the traditional type, old bloodlines, good animal health and welfare is paramount to us.
We are passionate about ensuring that we preserve the traditional look & the old bloodlines of the Norwegian Forest Cat.
Our bloodlines are some of the oldest and rarest in the world, being closest to the original (novice) bloodlines being bred in the 1970's
We have kittens available
~ updated 21st February 2025 ~
Please click on the photo of Lunaraine Harley to enter the website
Thank you to his owners for this lovely photo
Thank you for this great photo of Lunaraine Vidarr (Buster)
He is busy exploring on his harness
Norwegian Forest Cats/Kittens are easily trained on a harness.
Makes the outdoors accessable, safe and a great bonding tool for you and your cat/kitten
They love it !

Lunaraine Bryn in his home in Scotland

Click the Facebook icon to connect to the Lunaraine Craft group where I design and make bespoke pet beds and toys all for the comfort of your pet
Tel: 07801 583093
Dumfries and Galloway, SCOTLAND
© Lunaraine av Else's Legacy Norwegian Forest Cats. All rights reserved
Breeders of Norwegian Forest Kittens Cats 2003 - 2025
Our Forest Cats are raw fed please ask for details :-)